Guna-Allergy T 30 Milliliters

Guna-Allergy T 30 Milliliters


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Product Details

GUNA allergy T: Helps Provide Temporary relief of symptoms due to seasonal allergies such as: sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, watery eyes. Guna Allergy T targets specific symptoms of seasonal allergies.This homeopathic allergy medicine is easy to take at the first sign to relieve itchy, watery, and irritated eyes; sneezing and runny nose. Non-Drowsy. Take at the First Sign of Symptoms. This medicine uses highly diluted natural substances to relieve symptoms. GUNA's gentle homeopathic formulas are made with all natural active ingredients. May be taken concurrently with other conventional medications. GUNA's products are inspired by studies of molecular biology and biochemistry performed on medicinal plants and on biological molecules. These studies demonstrate that low doses of active ingredients prepared according to an exclusive proprietary pharmaceutical technology are as effective as higher doses, but with a low risk of negative side effects.

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